English summary: Three-way battle for the rector's job in Molde

Update -The results are in:
No candidate in the rector's election received more than 50% of the vote. A new round of elections must therefore be held between the two candidates who received the most votes: Johann Roppen and Elin Mordal.

Steinar Kristoffersen (left); Elin Mordal and Johann Roppen are competing for the rector job at Molde University College. Photo: Arild Waagbø.

The election result from 19.04.2023

260.54 votes (38.77%) - Johann Roppen
249.48 votes (37.12%) - Elin Mordal
161.98 votes (24.10%) - Steinar Kristoffersen

In the pro-rector election, Svein Bråthen received the most votes and has been elected as pro-rector for the period 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2027.

Election dates for round 2 will be 25 and 26 April.
The election opens on 20 April at 12.00 and closes on 26 April at 16.00.

Three-way battle for the rector's job in Molde

This article is an English translation of an article written by Hege Larsen. It was first published on khrono.no on Wednesday 29 March. Click here to see the original article.

All photos: Arild J. Waagbø-Panorama

On Wednesday 29 th of March 2023, rector of Molde University College, Steinar Kristoffersen, rector of Volda University College, Johann Roppen, and associate professor in the Department of Health and Social Sciences at Molde University College, Elin Mordal, met for an election debate. 

The debate revealed no clear dividing lines between the three. Steinar Kristoffersen is more apparent than the others that the college should become a university, while all three promise to listen to the academic communities and students.

Two with experience as rectors

Kristoffersen emphasised the value of having an experienced rector, like himself, after almost six years in the position.

"A big advantage of a long rector period is that you can learn from your mistakes and gain more influence in the sector. As an experienced rector, I have come into position, among other things, in UHR education and as a member of the university accreditation committee," he said.

Johann Roppen is in the same boat, with eight years as a rector at Volda University College. "I don't have the insider perspective, but I don't have as much baggage and experience from one of the departments at Molde UC, and I think that can be an advantage," said Roppen, who promised to be visible, listening, and clear, in that order.

Elin Mordal believed having a rector who knows the university’s college well is crucial.

"I am a listening person, and if I am elected, I will lead in close collaboration with the deans and listen to the employees, students, and surroundings," she said.

The Rector candidates at Molde University College on the floor of an auditorium, debating in front of employees and students.
The Rector debate at Molde University College. Photo: Arild Waagbø.

Hesitant about university

Molde University College is a scientific college in logistics and therefore has the same powers in this area as a university.

One of the questions was whether the candidates for rector wanted the university college to apply for university status if new criteria allow for it.
"This is a question I will put on the agenda regarding our strategic work. We can become a university with a unique profile and thus have an advantage over the merged institutions," said Kristoffersen.

He referred to signals he has received that the other scientific university colleges in the country will apply for university status, primarily because research funds are channelled to universities.

Elin Mordal said she has yet to decide regarding a university application but wants to see what criteria for universities will be applicable in the future. At the same time, she pointed out that the Norwegian system with colleges, university colleges, and universities is challenging to understand internationally.

Roppen also referred to the ongoing work on university criteria and that it would be entirely wrong for lower status and become an ordinary college regardless. He also questioned whether Molde University College should consider establishing a vocational school.

"Vocational schools should be invested in, according to the government, and the health personnel commission has said that we must think anew about health professions. I think we should be part of this discussion and set the premises," he said.

Criticised Kristoffersen

One of the many questions the trio received from the audience was about the work environment. Professor Turid Årseth said she had worked at the university college for 37 years.

"I have seen many rectors come and go, but the one I have seen the least of is Steinar Kristoffersen. You have shown a lack of interest in the academic communities, and what will you do about it?" she asked.

Kristoffersen responded that he understands the experience of absence. Still, he pointed out that in 2022, he had 30 travel days, equivalent to 13 per cent of the time, no days of working from home, and no other absences. The days are otherwise filled with many meetings.

"I am aware of the problem and have tried to switch offices and ambulate where I have lunch. And I am probably quite alone in asking to sit in an open landscape," he said, adding that he will encourage more meeting places.

Pro-rector election

In addition to the rector, there will also be a pro-rector election. There are two candidates:

Current pro-rector Jeanette Varpen Unhjem and Svein Bråthen, a professor of transport economics at the university college.

The election will be held digitally. Read more about how to cast your vote (in Norwegian)




Published Apr. 3, 2023 4:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2023 10:17 AM