Understanding the effects of the Corona outbreak on students mental health

2020 will be remembered as the year when our society was shaken by the outbreak of COVID-19. The outbreak and the measures that have been taken to protect the most vulnerable have affected all of the society from one day to the next.

Photo: Colourbox.com

We know that a crisis might elicit a coping spirit, creativity and feelings of belongingness. However, it might contribute to psychological and mental challenges, both in the short term, but also in a long-term perspective.

It is crucial that we understand the effects that the outbreak and the restrictions have on mental health at the short and long-term levels. The survey Takecare2020  is a national research effort.

Read more about the survey here: https://www.uib.no/en/takecare2020 (Lenker til en ekstern side.)

Students at Molde University College are invited to participate in the survey by using the link : skjema.uib.no/ZQ44M

Published Apr. 14, 2020 12:52 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2020 12:52 PM