Disputation: Morten Svindland

Morten Svindland will be defending the thesis "Towards Sustainable Short Sea Container Transports" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College.

Picture of Morten Svindland

PhD Candidate Morten Svindland

Time and place

  • Trial Lecture: Thursday, 16. January 10.15, room B-138
  • PhD Defence: Thursday, 16. January, 12.15, room B-138

Trial Lecture Title

"The role of short sea shipping in the European transport market today and in the future."

Adjudication committee

Chair of defence

Professor Svein Bråthen, Molde University College, Faculty of Logistics


Professor Harald M. Hjelle, Molde University College, Faculty of Logistics


Additional information

Maritime transport has for a long time been considered the "green" mode of transport -  both in the transport industry, academia and transport policy environments. The doctoral degree challenges maritime transport's assumed superior environmental efficiency by conducting comparative environmental analyzes between short sea shipping and car transport. Previous research has largely been based on assumptions due to a lack of actual data, due to its sensitive nature, in modeling emissions from maritime transport. The environmental analyzes in this doctoral dissertation, on the other hand, are based on real data collected from shipping companies operating in Northern Europe.


Morten Svindland (35) comes from Sandnes.  He holds a MSc in Logistics from Molde University College from 2013.  During his PhD studies he has been employed as a scholarship holder at Molde University College.


Published Jan. 6, 2020 1:45 PM - Last modified May 13, 2020 1:59 PM