Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences

ABI/INFORM Global - Economics, marketing, logistics ​

Brønnøysundregistrene - [Norwegian] Enterprise information - free version

Ebook Central ProQuest - E-books in full text.

EBSCO eBook Collection - E-books in full text.

Eikon (Datastream) - Financial database with company and market information and Datastream time series for millions of financial instruments, securities and indicators across assets classes. Economic data is from statistical agencies and organisations such as IMF and OECD. Please contact the library for access.

Elgar online - ​E-books on transport and logistics, also sports.

Juridika - [Norwegian] Commentaries on the law and juridical journals from the publisher Universitetsforlaget. NB!  Choose  [Login] -> [Logg inn med IP]

Lovdata Pro - [Norwegian] Norwegian juridical sources, laws and regulations. Log in using Feide.
- Exams and Lovdata? click here [Norwegian].

Oxford University Press - Journals covering a wide range of different subjects

Proff Forvalt -  [Norwegian] Business information.

Sage Journals - Journals covering a wide range of different subjects

ScienceDirect - Journals in full text - all subjects.

Social Science Database - Journals in full text and bibliographic information. Social sciences.

SPORTDiscus - Journals in full text, books etc. in sports, health, exercise, sports medicine.

Springer Link - Journals and books in full text - all subjects.

Taylor & Francis eBooks - E-books in full text.

Taylor & Francis e-Journals - Journals covering a wide range of different subjects

TITLON - Database with financial data for the period 1980-2020 from Oslo Stock Exchange. The Database will not get updated with new data after the year 2020.

TradeWinds - Newspaper  (Please contact the library for access).

Wiley Online Library - Journals (and some e-books) in full text - all subjects.


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