About us

Molde University College Library is situated on the top floor of the A-building. The library offers relevant literature in health sciences, social sciences, organisation and administration, sports and event management, economics, logistics and transport economics.

Visiting address:

Britvegen 2, 6410 Molde, Norway

Postal address:

Molde University College Library, P. O. Box 2110, NO-6402 Molde, Norway
Phone: +4771214161 - Email: biblioteket@HiMolde.no

Opening hours:

Students and employees may use their student card (access card) or library card to enter the library outside staffed hours. Please make yourself familiar with using the library outside of staffed hours.

Library services in Kristiansund:


Industriveien 18, NO-6517 Kristiansund, Norway
Phone: +47 71214129 - Email: bib.krsund@HiMolde.no