Students Assignments

Emilie Sollie Nilsen and Ane Aasen Hveem: How does special education affect inclusion in the transitison from primary to secondary school?

The aim of the Norwegian education system is to have a school that includes all of their pupils. The school is supposed to include everyone, regardless of sex, social background or capabilities or prerequisite. When looking at the statistics can it be argued that Norway still hasn’t reached their goal on this matter. What can be the reason for this? From primary to secondary school can the transition be hard for some pupils, especially if you have a need for special education. This assignment is built on Bronfenbrenner developing ecological system theory. This system theory includes areas as micro, meso, exo and macro. The content of this assignment deals with the different areas the child is involved in, and how the different areas affect each other and what can be the result if something goes wrong in one of the areas. The assignment is also built on Piaget's development theory and other culture historical- and psychosocial theories. Pupils with special education are especially exposed for social and educational exclusion in the transition between primary and secondary school. Therefore it is important with a good collaboration between home and the school administration. The assignment also sheds light on how important different types of collaboration is to secure a good transition. Knowledge about needs, communication and facilitation between home and school, and other support agencies are crucial to the social and educational transition from primary to secondary school for pupils in need of special education to succeed.

Terje Vestad Mehmet: Domestic violence – consequences for children's development

Consequences of domestic violence This bachelor thesis is written in a perspective of children's psychological development. The issue of the thesis is "how can domestic violence affect children's development?" and is used to illuminate and discuss the possible consequences of the child's psychological development, as a result of being a victim of domestic violence. The focus of the thesis is to show different theoretical perspectives of children's development. By using recognized theory and research, the thesis will discus what is believed to be a normal development for the child, and then present what domestic violence might cause. The importance and power of recognition is another focus for this bachelor thesis. Based on the thesis discussion, theory of children's psychological development suggests that domestic violence can have a negative impact on children's development. In cases where children have good outcomes of domestic violence, recognition as a factor seems to be of importance for the outcome.

Sara Midthaug Hallberg: Bullying in school

This bachelor thesis is about bullying in school and the consequenses of bullying. In the thesis, I looked at other theories that can be linked to bullying, such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and social relationships in school. I presented the different forms of bullying that exists and looked at how bullying can be seen as a group phenomenon. The issue i have tried to discuss is «what consequenses can bullying have for the bully victims and the bullies?». First i briefly presented the consequenses, before I went deeper in on them in the discussion. Here i also looked at similarities for the consequenses for the victim and the bully. In the discussion I have tried to compare the consequenses with other parts of my thesis. Through various theories, articles and studies I have seen that there is a large amount of concequenses of bullying. I also found out that how the victims experience bullying, will be different from person to person. This also applies for the consequenses they can get from being a part of the bullying situation. At the end in the discussion i wanted to see if it was some particulary factors that could either increase or decrease the consequenses of bullying. I found a lot of factors and decided to go deeper into the ones I found to be most important. Here i saw that the extent of the consequenses depended on two things: factors within the person and factors in the environment around the person.

Magnus Ramsdal: Do Deaf people get the rights they are entitled to based on the UN conventions?

This assignment is about deaf right in Norway, based on the UNs convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD). It will look at if these are met, and about possible methods to better the situation. Norway ratified CRPD in 2013 but have not implemented them into Norwegian law. Norway says that Norwegian law already covers the convention 7 enough already. But when the UN gave Norway a report about the CRPD, they got a lot of critique. There are differences on how cases are handled around the country. Norwegian deaf federation (NDF) wrote a report to Norway about CRPD. Here they write about how there are many things that Norway do not follow from the CRPD. One example is sign language translators. There are no clear guidelines about how who should pay for it. The translator is also only available during the daytime. So, if a deaf person wants to participate in an activity during the evenings, it is not easy to communicate. Deaf have many confrontations that need to be fought to become acknowledge, and to get the power they have the right to. Having the feeling of not having the same rights as everybody else, can make them not feel acknowledge. Therefore, it is important to influence Norway, so that deaf people can have the same rights as everybody else. To participate in politics, or join an organization, can lead to a change. In May 2020 there came a proposition to a new law, that is about sign language. This came because people and organizations engaged the government. There are several areas thar Norway need to improve on. Therefore, it is important to shed a light on this situation. By spreading the word about what deaf needs, and to influence the society so that it changes, can make deaf people get an more self-sufficient and full life

Kristin Furholm Sjåstad: Children with albinism in Tanzania

This bachelor dissertation is written in conjunction with the completion of a degree at the University of Molde, Norway. The focus of this dissertation is on children with albinism in Tanzania. The dissertation has a systematic approach discussing the following thesis: “Are children with albinism in Tanzania protected by the human rights?”. 8 While researching the thesis, it is clear there has been an increase in attention directed towards children with albinism in Tanzania. Although several measures have been put in place in order to improve the living situations for children with albinism in Tanzania, there are still many who face difficulties and breached of their human rights. To answer the thesis, a theory about human rights is used to highlight the situation of children with albinism in Tanzania and how their rights are practiced. The importance of recognizing children with albinism will also be emphasized. Honneths (2008) theory of recognition will be used to discuss the meaning of being recognized, and what can happen if children with albinism were to face psychological and or physical harm as well as breach of human rights. Due to the beliefs in Tanzania and the attitude majority of society holds towards children with albinism, a cultural aspect will be discussed as well, as they contribute to the difficulties children with albinism face.

Pauline Bakkemyr Rakvåg: Intelectual disability and sexuality - The importance of sexual education in preventing challenging behavior

This bachelor thesis is a literary study aiming to enlight sexuality and intellectual disability - the importance of sexual education in preventing challenging behaviour. It is written as a finishing task in the intellectual disability nurse education program at Høgskulen i Molde. In accordance, I will discuss the following topic question: «In what way might educating people with light to moderate degrees of intellectual disabilities about their sexuality prevent challenging behaviour?» In order to facilitate communication surrounding this topic, breaking up existing tabues is vital. Studies have shown a connection between sexuality and quality of life. In order to prevent challenging behavior it is vital to ensure good quality of life by promoting a life filled with content and joy, as well as ensuring mastery and safety on a day to day basis. Furthermore it will be crucial to aid the person in creating his/her own identity, including a sexual identity. Making self-determination and freedom of choice the foundation of the profesional work are key elements in ensuring a good life and the opportunity to create an individual (sexual) identity. Understanding the boundaries of others, as well as their own, is an important goal within sexual education targeting people with intellectual disabilities. By participating in a project through Norec, I have become more enlightened about the UN's human rights and how to implement these in real life. The topic question at hand is seen in light of the UN's declaration of human rights, and Empowerment- and citizenship. Throughout the assignment there is a focus on how learning about sexuality can contribute to improved quality of life and prevent challenging behaviour for human beings impaired with intellectual disabilities.

Published Dec. 14, 2020 9:22 AM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2020 9:22 AM