Extended opening hours

The library at Molde University College has extended opening hours. Students and employees will have access to the library outside staffed hours.

Opening hours, please see the Library's homepage

Students and employees may use their student-/access card or library card to enter the library outside staffed hours. Scan the barcode of your card in the card reader on the right hand side of the entrance. PC's and study rooms are available as usual.

Books and other material on the shelves are available for loan on the self service machine. Books ordered from other libraries must be checked out during staffed hours.


  • Don't let unauthorized persons into the library.
  • The entrance door must not be blocked.
  • Camera surveillance in the library only during off-service hours.
  • Thank you for keeping the library tidy.
  • Please close any open windows before leaving the library.


Publisert 30. okt. 2018 08:35 - Sist endret 21. des. 2023 11:22