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Publication of student assignments

​Molde University College has an open access archive, Brage HiM, for publication of scientific works, including student assignments and theses.

The student has the copyright to the thesis (the Norwegian Copyright Act). Hand-in of assignments in Inspera is mandatory, but publication in Brage HiM is optional. The template for hand-in assignments contains a publication agreement, which must be filled in.

Assignments/theses published in Brage HiM will be stored as open access with a permanent URN. The author can use this URN for citing and accessing the thesis, f. ex in a CV.

The library is responsible for the registration and publication of assignments/theses in Brage HiM, and follows these criteria:

  • No theses will be published without the author's permission (consent)
  • No theses will be published before final grading
  • Grade requirements: Master theses: Passed. Other assignments: A-C
  • No information on grades, or comments, will be published
  • The assignment can be removed from Brage HiM on the author's request

Confidential assignments:

  • Confidential assignments must have the necessary forms filled in: Standard agreement and the supplementary Confidentiality agreement.
  • Assignments containing identifiable person information cannot be published, and this must be marked in the publication agreement.

All necessary information for handing in your assignment can be found in Student info in Canvas.

If you have further questions, please contact the library: biblioteket@himolde.no


Publisert 25. okt. 2018 14:01 - Sist endret 25. mars 2019 09:34