Adapting to digital teaching under COVID-19/corona

We are still in an early phase of the COVID-19/corona epidemic. There are no certain estimates available of how long it will last and how many will be directly affected. HiMolde also needs to act swiftly and resolutely.

Rector Steinar Kristoffersen.

I am happy and proud to see that all our staff and students have been handling the situation to the best of our capacity. Thank you very much for all your contributions. Life and health come first. Please do not doubt that this is what is at stake, especially for those groups most vulnerable. Fortunately, we can all increase everybody’s chances of staying healthy throughout the epidemic, by acting as if we are also in this group ourselves. 

Wash your hands. Keep the distance. Work from home.

We have an important job to do as a university college, which is to make sure our students get ready to contribute to civil society as rapidly and competently as possible. Hence, teaching and assessment duties must go on with the same determination as before. 
Forced to switch fully to digital teaching, I am sure students and staff perceive as more challenging than it was. I encourage everybody to take this as an opportunity to explore and experience all possibilities provided by new pedagogical platforms.  

The switch in teaching format will require more work from all involved, to get the same results as before. However, those results and better are exactly what society will need in the upcoming months and possibly longer. 

Good luck with your teaching and other work, stay healthy and remain in good spirits. 
Steinar Kristoffersen

Publisert 17. mars 2020 13:37 - Sist endret 17. mars 2020 13:37
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