Arrangement - Side 3

Tid og sted: , Molde University College, Room A-1.025

Terje Andersen holds his trial lecture and defends his PhD Thesis "From waste to circularity in e-waste handling: Manufacturer’s view" at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics.

Tid og sted: , NMK, Møretanken, ved NTNU Ålesund

SUHEL er et nettverk for ledere i helse- og sosialtjenestene i kommunene, ledere i Helse Møre og Romsdal HF, samt masterprogrammet i helseledelse. SUHEL er finansiert av Høgskulen i Volda, Høgskolen i Molde og NTNU Ålesund.

Tid og sted: , Høgskolen i Molde, rom B-137

Elin Mordal ved HiMolde, Avdeling for helse- og sosialfag, vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. ved Høgskolen i Molde. Avhandlingens tittel er «Fødselsomsorg i rurale Etiopia – kvinners og jordmødres erfaringer og praksis»

Tid og sted: , Auditorium A-1.020, Høgskolen i Molde

Dette foredraget gir deg som er student kunnskap og metoder for å oppleve mer mestring og trygghet. Still gjerne spørsmål anonymt i forkant.

Tid og sted: , A-1.025

We are happy to announce that we will have an open guest lecture with Avram Grant, former manager of Chelsea, West Ham United, Portsmouth, Ghana and Israel national teams. The title of the lecture is "Win your mind".

Tid og sted: , Digitalt

Høgskolen søker 4 studenter - 2 styremedlemmer og 2 vara - til å delta i avdelingsstyret ved avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap. 

Tid og sted: , A-1.020

Statsråden for forskning og høyere utdanning holder gjesteforelesning på studiested Molde torsdag 06. oktober.

Tid og sted: , A-2.135

A research seminar that will be given by Prof. Mosi Rosenboim from Ben Gurion University. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom webinar

The research group ‘Global Challenges, Politics and Organisation’ (GPO) at Molde University College is hosting a Panorama Dialogue webinar with Dr Gajendran Ayyathurai on critical caste studies.

Tid og sted: , Storyville, Plassen

Professor Solveig Vatnar er blant Norges fremste eksperter på partnervold. Hør henne formidle funn fra forskning, etterfulgt av panelsamtale med lokale fagpersoner fra krisesenteret, politiet og barnevernstjenesten.

Tid og sted: , Sivert Aarflot-huset, rom 225

Nanna Jørgensen ved Avdeling for samfunnsfag og historie, Høgskulen i Volda, forsvarer sin doktorgradsavhandling  "The Therapeutic Mobilities of Pilgrimage Walking: A Study of the Health Impacts of Walking the Norwegian St. Olav Way."  fredag 26. august.

Tid og sted: , A-1.025

Tassew Dufera Tolcha will be defending his thesis "Essays on air transport and economic development: Cases from African countries" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics.

Tid og sted: , Room A-2.116

William VANNIER is the Supply Chain Director of MSF. He proposes a quick presentation followed by an open discussion and Q/A session about the specificity of the Humanitarian Supply Chain, MSF and the Humanitarian work at large.  

Tid og sted: , A-1.020

Thea Beate Brevik ved HiMolde, Avdeling for helse- og sosialfag, vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. ved Høgskolen i Molde. Avhandlingens tittel er "Educational interventions on breast and cervical cancer screening."

Tid og sted: , St. Carolus, Tengeru, Arusha in Tanzania

In relation to the ongoing NOREC project, "Children with disabilities and UN rights conventions", a three-day conference will be arranged in Tanzania, called "Children with disabilities and quality of life – Challenges and possibilities".

Tid og sted: , Rom A 1.020

Gratuation Ceremony for PhD and Master Graduates

Tid og sted: , HiVolda, Store Auditorium, Berte Kanutte-huset

Anita Dyb Linge ved Høgskulen i Volda, Avdeling for samfunnsfag og historie disputerer fredag 3. juni. 

Tid og sted: , A-2.135

We are happy to invite you to a research seminar by Prof. Stefan Szymanski from the University of Michigan. The title of the seminar is "Are professional athletes motivated by financial incentives? Evidence from English football". 

Tid og sted: , Høgskolen i Molde,rom A-1.025

Falko Müller disputerer tirsdag 10. mai med avhandlingen "Air transport network alterations and their impacts on the accessibility of locations -
an assessment framework"

Tid og sted: , Molde University College, Room A-1.020

Molde University College has been so lucky as to get access to Publication Academy, a unique collection of courses, tips and "all you need to know" within academic writing, publishing, and dissemination. The whole collection consists of more than 50 courses and is offered for free for students and staff at Molde University College.  


 This course aims to expose students to the trappings of high-quality survey research targeted for publication in top-ranking journals. The course will address the entire journey from designing to publishing a survey-based study.

Tid og sted: , HiVolda, Store Auditorium, Berte Kanutte-huset

Bjørn Kjetil Larsen ved Avdeling for samfunnsfag og historie, HiVolda, disputerer fredag 8. april med avhandlinga Exploring interprofessional collaboration in the field of criminal justice in Norway - A mixed methods study of prisoners' reintegration after prison.

Tid og sted: , HiVolda, Store auditorium, Berte Kanutte-huset

Kristine Vaadal ved Avdeling for samfunnsfag og historie ved HiVolda disputerer fredag 11. mars med avhandlinga "New Femininities", Alcohol Consumption and Life beyond Young Womanhood. Negotiating Gender, Class and Ageappropriate Identities through Alcohol Consumption.

Tid og sted: , Molde University College

The general objective is to learn about the state of the art in Cost-Benefit Analysis for various sectors. There is an increasing need for the evaluation and ranking of projects within constrained public budgets. CBA is one of the methods that are extensively used in economic impact assessment of projects in the public sector.

Tid og sted: , Digital Workshop

The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Public Transport - K2 and Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics are pleased to launch this call for chapters to an edited volume on Citizen Participation in Transport and Mobility as well as a digital workshop November 17-18, 2021, where chapter drafts will be reviewed and discussed.