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Disability and habilitation

Molde University College has study programs that directly or indirectly involve expertise and knowledge about the provision of services for people with needs for different kinds of assistance.  We have a bachelor for vernepleiere (social educators), a master program in habilitation and disability and a PhD in Health and Social Sciences, Professional Practice - Terms and Development.

Disability and habilitation as a research field is still limited research area for Molde University College and the research groups aim is to increase the activity in these important research field.

Research group leader

Siv Elin Nord Sæbjørnsen picture Siv Elin Nord Sæbjørnsen E-mail: Phone: +4771214153

The purpose of the group is to:

  • Stimulate to research activity (both popular science and peer-reviewed articles).
  • Establish a research network between the university colleges, the subject area and regional health services
  • Inform about and exchange experiences on ongoing research projects.
  • Present and discuss current topics in the field.

Most of the participants in the research group are employees at Molde University College, but there are also participants from other university colleges, hospitals and municipalities in Møre and Romsdal county. Presentations and discussions on ongoing projects contribute to stimulating and providing the necessary expertise to all the group's participants for the development of new research projects.

Disability and Habilitation welcome new members who are interested in research in this topics. The members will work together on the research project and receive feedback on their own projects in the research group. From a long-term perspective, we aim to increase the group's expertise, both in the case of new recruitment and by the members increasing their own expertise.



Published Apr. 8, 2019 2:44 PM - Last modified June 23, 2021 11:39 AM