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Bærekraftige samfunn (Sustainable Societies)

The Sustainable Societies research group addresses issues of sustainable environmental development from the perspective of public and private organizations, their roles in grand challenges such as climate change, and their strategies.


Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse picture Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse E-post: lise.l.halse@himolde.no Telefon: +4771214267


Climate change projections (e.g. IPCC) are presenting disruptive scenarios for future Earth, and environmental changes are already happening; from changed vegetation to the diminishing Greenlandic ice cap to erratic weather. Norway, along with many other countries, is developing CO2 reduction strategies and increasingly discussing climate change at national and regional policy levels. In December 2018, the Commission on Climate Risk and the Norwegian Economy delivered its report to the Ministry of Finance. Their recommendations; are they followed, will drastically change the Norwegian economy over the coming decades. For companies, consumers and the welfare state as such, this entails a transition period with hard work towards 100% renewable energy; sustainable transportation, food production and tourism; advanced recycling models in all sectors; and the phasing out of oil.

The group

The research group on sustainable societies addresses this shift with a cross disciplinary perspective comprising social science, logistics, management and economics. Research group members exchange and collaborate on a broad range of empirical and conceptual research in Norway, Scandinavia and the Arctic region. Examples are: Green logistics, sustainability-driven innovation, long-term thinking in strategic management, sustainable urban development, Arctic sustainable resources, circular economy and waste, adventure tourism and sustainability, circular economy and technology.

The purpose

  1. To exchange knowledge, inspire and develop research. This is supported through workshops and regular paper-presentations (‘brown-bag sessions’/lunch presentations).
  2. To produce new knowledge together and fertilize research ground: research grant applications, collaborative book projects, co-authorships, development of conference tracks.
  3. To engage and develop dialogue between HiMolde and local/regional businesses and other organizations: partnerships with Møreforsking, iKuben, Protomore and other networks for sustainability, events for and with local business life.


Publisert 7. feb. 2019 16:33 - Sist endret 18. apr. 2024 09:40